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Preventing Japanese Encephalitis: Stay Safe from Mozzie-Borne Diseases

20 Sept 2023


Mosquito bites might seem like a mere annoyance, but in some cases, they can transmit serious diseases. Australia is no stranger to mosquito vector-borne diseases, including Ross River and Barmah Forest disease, Australian, Murry Valley, and Kunjin encephalitis, Dengue Fever, and Malaria. Among these, Japanese Encephalitis (JEV) has recently emerged, but the risk to human lives remains very low. Nevertheless, it's essential to take preventive measures to protect yourself from mosquito-borne illnesses. Here's how you can shield yourself and your loved ones from the Japanese encephalitis virus and other mosquito-borne diseases.


Mosquito-borne diseases can have severe consequences, and the diagnosis of these illnesses can only be confirmed through proper blood tests. While the risk of contracting Japanese Encephalitis in Australia is minimal, it's crucial to be aware of the potential dangers. Alongside JEV, other mosquito-borne diseases prevalent in the region pose a threat, making preventive measures a top priority.


The Australian Government Department of Health recommends taking extra precautions during the times when mosquitoes are most active, such as at dusk, dawn, and into the evening. Reducing skin exposure is an effective way to protect yourself. Opt for light, loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and covered footwear with socks to minimize exposed areas.


Mosquitoes breed in water-holding containers around homes. To reduce their numbers, try to eliminate potential breeding sites wherever possible. Regularly empty, clean, or cover containers that might collect water, as these could become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.


When it comes to preventing mosquito bites, choosing the right insect repellent can make a significant difference. The Department of Health highly recommends using repellents that contain DEET, an active ingredient found in products like RID. DEET-based repellents are known for their effectiveness in repelling mosquitoes, providing you with a strong shield against potential mosquito bites.

Utilizing RID Outdoor Mosquito Coils If you find yourself outside during peak mosquito activity times, additional protection can be achieved by using RID Outdoor Mosquito Coils. These coils can help keep mosquitoes at bay, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor activities without constant worries about bites.

If you are seeking further advice on mosquito-borne diseases or experiencing any symptoms that might be related, it's crucial to seek professional medical advice promptly. Early detection and treatment are essential in managing any potential mosquito-borne illness.


While the risk of Japanese Encephalitis and other mosquito-borne diseases in Australia is relatively low, it's essential to take preventive measures seriously. Protecting yourself and your family from mosquito bites is the best defense against these illnesses. By wearing appropriate clothing, eliminating breeding sites, using DEET-based repellents like RID, and seeking professional medical advice when necessary, you can enjoy the outdoors with peace of mind and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases. For more information on Japanese encephalitis, symptoms, prevention, and immunization, refer to the Australian Government Department of Health link provided above. Stay safe and make the most of your outdoor adventures!


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Preventing Japanese Encephalitis: Stay Safe from Mozzie-Borne Diseases

20 Sept 2023


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